Letter to Colleagues

Dear Colleagues,

It is an exciting time to be a part of FDA’s Alumni Association. We are executing a 5-year Strategic Plan, filled with activities focused on responding to the interests of our members and supporting FDA.

We have already hosted several very interesting webinars and have more planned for this Fall – one featuring Assistant Commissioner for Criminal Investigations Cathy Hermsen and a second with Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs Dr. Judy McMeekin. We will likely be holding a joint “meet and greet” in-person at White Oak with Commissioner Rob Califf and Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock (details coming soon!). We are also planning a social happy hour in October and our always fun annual party towards the end of the year.

FDAAA is a great organization because of all of you. The old FDA adage “once an FDAer, always an FDAer” and that sense of esprit de corps have carried into our alumni organization.

Your voice in FDAAA is important. If you are a member and have not yet volunteered, please do so by writing to us at mail@fdaaa.org. Please let us know your talents: party organizer, web page content creator, social media maven, photographer, administrative support, etc., etc. If you are not yet a member, now is a great time to join at www.fdaaa.org.

In addition to our robust strategic plan, we also have a new slate of leaders with lots of energy and ideas. It is with great pleasure that I announce the new team of FDAAA Officers, Board of Directors and Committee Chairs. The list of the new team may be found at https://www.fdaaa.org/about-fdaaa/fdaaa-leadership/.

I hope to see you soon at an FDAAA event!

Deb Autor
Chair of the Board of Directors