Member Benefits
Reasons to Join FDAAA
A few years ago, former Bureau of Drugs (presently Center for Drug Evaluation and Research) Director, Dr. Richard (Dick) Crout shared a sense of the pride FDAAA members feel (FDAAA Kelsey Award Celebration, December 6, 2012).
“I have had a number of jobs in my life -- in academia, in the private sector and in government. I enjoyed them all. But head and shoulders better than all the rest was my time at the FDA. It was the hardest job I ever had, but also the most interesting and most satisfying. No career is more enjoyable and more honorable than public service. This is the bond we all share as members of the FDAAA.”
10 Reasons to Join FDAAA
1. Keep in touch with your FDA alumni friends.
The FDAAA website and its newsletter (FDAAA Updates) have always kept FDAAA members in touch with FDA alumni and friends . Our new website offers enhanced opportunities, including educational, for members to stay in touch with the association and each other. These features and capabilities are included within the password-protected area of the website. Check out the following features:
All-Member Network: A communications network for Alumni and Associate members to interact with other members in an information sharing environment.
Social Network: A communications network that allows members to socially interact, on an informal basis, to share items of interest unrelated to employment.
Program Network: A communications network that allows for discussion among members, still working or consulting, on areas of FDA program interest and initiatives.
Associates Network: A communications network for Associate members that allows for discussion of issues of interest.
Membership Directory: The new “Edit My Profile” feature captures information on each member’s name, address, phone number, preferred email, interests, where the member worked at FDA, skills and expertise. This information will be available to other members within the password-protected Membership Directory.
Skill Sets Inventory and Job Listing: The association created the capability within "Edit My Profile" for members to build their skills inventory and for other members to search the Membership Directory for skills that match their needs.
“Current Job and Project Opportunities”: A listing will be located within the Programs tab.
2. Stay up-to-date on FDA issues.
The FDAAA Events feature provides opportunities not only to connect with other members, but also to learn about current FDA activities from FDA leadership. FDAAA’s newsletter (Updates), also highlights some of the more important activities and personnel changes in FDA. Find out what is going on now at FDA!
FDAAA intends to explore technology to produce “Virtual” events and retain them for member access. Stay tuned for more information.
3. Business network.
If you're still actively working, FDAAA helps you locate expertise you need or perhaps contacts you might use and trust as sounding boards. Take advantage of the Program Network that offers a communications network to enable discussion among members, still working or consulting, in areas of FDA program interest.
4. Carry on the FDA mission, and give back to FDA.
FDAAA offers many activities that further FDA's mission - in person, long distance, within the U.S. and internationally. FDAAA volunteers work with FDA on international issues, mentoring employees, and other activities. This is your chance to give back, at your own pace, and as a volunteer.
5. Attend events with former colleagues and friends.
FDAAA sponsors educational events throughout the year where you also have the opportunity to socialize with former colleagues and friends. The FDAAA also sponsors regional activities, so you don't need to be on the East Coast near FDA Headquarters to attend gatherings.
6. Keep track of former colleagues.
Password-protected access to the FDAAA Membership Directory makes it easy to connect with friends and former colleagues. The association is also providing a Social Network: allowing members to interact, on an informal basis, to share items of interest unrelated to employment.
7. Be part of the club.
Membership includes access to all new password-protected features of the FDAAA website noted previously.
8. Be a part of something special.
Those of us who have spent time at FDA understand the FDA commitment, mission and culture. FDAAA makes it possible to continue that connection and support FDA’s mission even after leaving the agency. FDA retirees, former FDA'ers, and current FDA employees are all eligible to join FDAAA.
9. For current FDA employees (who join as Associate Members): enjoy staying in touch with their alumni friends. Plus, preview first-hand "life after FDA."
Associate Members enjoy coming to FDAAA events and many are very active in the organization. You can catch a glimpse of the myriad paths you might take after leaving FDA. Take advantage of the All-Member Network to interact with other members in an information sharing environment, and the Associates Network that allows for discussion of issues of interest among Associate members only.
10. It's a bargain.
Joining FDAAA is fast and easy, and a bargain, too. Dues are very reasonable for both Alumni and Associate members, and Lifetime members never have to renew. All members receive a lapel pin as well!