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BoD Chair Statement
July 22, 2020

We are so pleased today to unveil our new website. Not only is this modernized website more attractive and easier to follow, it has great new features such as members-only access to a growing collection of FDA-related information, a skills inventory, and the ability to chat with other members behind a secure firewall.
This website will take us into a new era when FDAAA does even more to support your ongoing enrichment, connection to each other and to FDA, and your ability to locate resources, colleagues, friends, and experts.
The FDA Alumni Association is the official global network of former and current FDA employees, connecting and supporting alumni, the Agency, and the public health community. Please be active in FDAAA and help us to make a difference. In speaking about FDAAA, then-Commissioner Ned Sharpless recently reminded us of a key quote from Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’”
Members are encouraged to visit the Newsletter – Updates for the latest edition of the Newsletter, July 2020.
Deb Autor, Chair Board of Directors