FDAAA Awards
FDAAA Members:
You might have noticed Dr. Fauci has been in the forefront of dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis and COVID-19.
In 2018, The FDA Alumni Association presented our most prestigious Harvey W. Wiley award to Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD.
Dr. Fauci represents the best qualities in our career federal scientists.
Our association is proud to recognize him for all that he does for every citizen in this country.
Dr. Fauci is the Director, National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, within the National Institute of Health.
The Harvey W. Wiley Award Description: A lectureship named in honor of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the renowned physician-chemist who, at the turn of the 20th century, championed a legislative crusade against food adulteration, earning him the title of "Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act" when it was enacted into law in 1906.
You can review his Harvey W. Wiley presentation by clicking on this link Dr. Fauci Wiley Presentation.

The FDAAA wishes to Thank Dr. Fauci for his Outstanding Service to Science (#ThankyouDrFauci)
FDAAA Members:
You might have noticed Dr. Fauci has been in the forefront of dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis and COVID-19.
In 2018, The FDA Alumni Association presented our most prestigious Harvey W. Wiley award to Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD.
Dr. Fauci represents the best qualities in our career federal scientists.
Our association is proud to recognize him for all that he does for every citizen in this country.
Dr. Fauci is the Director, National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, within the National Institute of Health.
The Harvey W. Wiley Award Description: A lectureship named in honor of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the renowned physician-chemist who, at the turn of the 20th century, championed a legislative crusade against food adulteration, earning him the title of "Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act" when it was enacted into law in 1906.
You can review his Harvey W. Wiley presentation by clicking on this link Dr. Fauci Wiley Presentation.
Chairman's Special Recognition Award
Tony Subketkaew
Joe Levitt
Brian Mayhew
Alan Andersen
Richard Baldwin
Lisa Barclay
Alan Andersen
Richard Baldwin
Jinjie Hu
Deborah M. Autor
For "Dedicated efforts and special recognition in assisting FDAAA Chair Nancy Myers during her term by serving in many leadership roles and strengthening FDAAA"
Nancy Myers, Deb Autor, and Ed Steele
Past Chair of the Board of Directors and President's Recognition
Nancy B. Myers for Outstanding Service as FDAAA Chair of the Board of Directors from 2015 – 2019.
Edward A. Steele for Outstanding Services as the FDAAA President from 2012 - 2019.
Nancy Myers, Deb Autor (Newly Elected Chair, Board of Directors), and Ed Steele
FDA Distinguished Alumni Award
Description: This is an FDA-sponsored award for which FDAAA is asked to nominate candidates. Recipients receive a personal letter signed by the Commissioner, plus an engraved crystal bowl. Items are presented at FDA's annual Honor Awards Ceremony.
Lisa Barclay
Jane Ann Axelrad
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Minnie Baylor Henry
Peter Honig, M.D., M.P.H.
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Gerald Harris, Ph.D.
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Mark Elengold
Eligibility: Former FDA employees who left the agency at least five (5) years ago and meet the following criteria:
- have a continuing and major impact on FDA as a whole;
- reflect FDA's values; and
- exemplify an outstanding commitment to meeting the agency's mission of protecting the public health.
Selection: Nominations can be made by any Association member. Nominations must be directed to the Awards Committee (mail@fdaaa.org). The Awards Committee will screen all nominations and forward recommendations to the Board of Directors for final decision. The names of FDAAA nominees will then be forwarded to FDA's Awards Coordinator for presentation to the agency's Executive Council. The FDA Commissioner will make the final selection(s).
The Harvey W. Wiley Lecture
Description: A lectureship named in honor of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the renowned physician-chemist who, at the turn of the 20th century, championed a legislative crusade against food adulteration, earning him the title of "Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act" when it was enacted into law in 1906. The Lecture will be presented at the FDAAA Annual Meeting each April.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb
former Commissioner of the FDA
Dr. Stephen Solomon
Director of the Center for Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Janet Woodcock,
Principal Deputy Commissioner, former Director of CDER.
Dr. Luciana Borio
former acting Chief Scientist, and former Assistant
Mike Landa
former Acting Chief Counsel, former Deputy Chief Counsel, and former Director of CFSAN.
Richard Pazdur, MD
Director, Oncology Center of Excellence U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Eligibility: Lecturers shall be prominent figures from the fields of public health, health research, public health education, health care delivery, science journalism, food and drug law, and public policy-making, who can:
- promote broader public enlightenment of, and support for, the mission of FDA;
- provide intellectually stimulating, futurist perspectives on 21st century roles of the FDA in public health;
- initiate a meaningful dialogue on innovative ways the FDAAA and its membership can impact the current and future mission of the FDA and its capacities to protect and promote the public health.
Selection: Suggestions for Lecturers can be made by any Association member and must be directed to the Activities Committee (mail@fdaaa.org) for initial consideration. Final invitations to Wiley Lecturers will be made by the Chairman of the Board.
FDAAA Founder's Award Recipients
Description: The Founder's Award was approved by the Board in January, 2011. In this, the tenth year of the FDAAA, it was decided that honoring the founders of the organization in the inaugural year of the award was most appropriate! The Founder's Award was established to honor the members of the FDAAA who have served with distinction in a leadership capacity, i.e. Board members or Committee Chairs who:
- Made significant and visible contributions to promoting the growth and/or visibility of the FDAAA;
- Have served more than one term on the Board and in so doing have advanced the organization's goals and mission;
- Exemplifies the true spirit and intention of the motto: "Serving those who have served".
Melinda Plaisier
Edward Steele
Nancy B. Myers
Joe Levitt, Nancy Myers, and Ed Steele
FDAAA Founder's Award Renamed in Honor of John C. Villforth:
The FDA Alumni Association (FDAAA) is adding a name to its Founder's Award, which recognizes outstanding leaders of the FDAAA. The award will now be known as the John C. Villforth Founder's Award.
John Villforth's vision, energy and leadership led to the creation of the FDAAA 2002. He navigated the association through its early years and provided the foundation for the present organization.
Villforth is a former director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health and its predecessor, the Bureau of Radiological Health. A former member of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, he held the rank of Rear Admiral and Assistant Surgeon General and served as the Corps' Chief Engineer. After three decades of federal service, he became Executive Director of The Food Drug and Law Institute and served on several industry boards.
Starting in 2000, Villforth recognized the need for an organization representing FDA alumni. He met with alumni associations from other government agencies, and simultaneously recruited other FDA alumni to join his effort. His goal was to create and maintain an organization that could unite all FDA alumni and provide a framework in which they could continue public service. The original FDAAA board had representatives from every part of the Agency.
Villforth was trained as an engineer, and was a proud graduate of Penn State University. He and his wife have three daughters.
The John C. Villforth Founder's Award recognizes FDAAA leaders who have "made significant and visible contributions to promoting the growth and visibility of the FDAAA." Another award issued by the FDAAA is the Harvey W. Wiley Award, which recognizes leaders who have made lasting contributions to FDA and its mission. Villforth himself was a recipient of the Wiley Award.
Announcement of the renaming of the Founder's Award in honor of John C. Villforth was made at this May 13, 2019 Annual FDAAA meeting.
Recipients of the FDAAA Founder's Awards - See list of recipients
FDAAA Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients
Leigh Verbois
Larry Bachorik
Brian Mayhew
Angela Hoague
Nancy Bradish Myers
Lisa Barclay
For “Outstanding Organizational Skills in Enriching the Experience of FDAAA Members through organization of events and social opportunities for FDAAA members and potential members as well as supporting these events and opportunities through sponsorships”
Nancy Myers, Lisa Barclay, and Ed Steele
Richard A. Baldwin
For “Outstanding Strategic and Visionary Skills to Prepare FDAAA for the Future”
Ed Steele, Richard Baldwin, and Nancy Myers
Recipients of the FDAAA Volunteer of the Year Awards - See list of recipients
Eligibility: Members of good standing of the FDAAA who:
- make extraordinary contributions to the growth, viability and image of the FDAAA or to an affiliated chapter over a sustained period of time; or
- demonstrate highly accomplished leadership in the development and conduct of Association programs; or
- represent the Association in one or more extramural activities in a manner that positively reflects the ideals of the organization and substantially benefits the FDA or public health in general.
Selection: Nominations can originate from any Association member and must be directed to the Awards Committee (mail@fdaaa.org) for consideration. Final selections(s) will be made by the Board of Directors based on the Committee's recommendation(s). This award can be presented to one or more persons each year at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The award(s) will be presented at the Association's annual meeting in April.
FDAAA Service Recognition Award
Description: Recipients receive a finely-crafted wooden desktop case emblazoned with the FDAAA logo.
Jessica O'Connell
Bob Brackett
Cathy Carnevale
Ann Marie Finley
Kathy Zoon
F. Alan Andersen
F. Alan Andersen
Marie A. Urban
For “Providing Outstanding and Ongoing Minutes, Institutional Memory and Advice to the FDAAA Board and Executive Board”
Nancy Myers, Marie Urban, and Ed Steele
Recipients of the FDAAA Service Recognition Award - See the full list of recipients
Eligibility: Persons who serve in leadership positions of the Association (e.g., Officer, member of the Board of Directors, Committee Chair) and whose service has a demonstrably positive effect on the growth, operational success and/or public image of the organization.
Selection: Nominations will be accepted from any FDAAA member and must be directed to the Awards Committee (mail@fdaaa.org) for consideration. The Awards Committee will make recommendations on all Service Recognition Award nominations to the Executive Committee and, if necessary, to the Board of Directors which will render a final decision. Service Recognition Awards may be presented at any time during the calendar year at the discretion of the Board of Directors, including the Association?s annual meeting in April.
FDAAA Certificate of Appreciation
Description: A standardized, specially designed certificate bearing the FDAAA logo, recipient's name, date, signatures of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the FDAAA President, and a citation describing the recipient's contribution(s).
Tracy (Summers) Davis
Brian Mayhew
Jessica O’Connell
Allen Sayler
For “Continuing to build a strong and sustainable FDAAA Awards Programs that have increased the number of Committee members, provided credible awards to deserving winners, interacted in a positive manner with the FDA Awards Group and participated in a number of FDAAA events throughout the year that contributed to increasing the visibility and recognition of FDAAA among both members and potential members during the 2018 – 2019 FDAAA year”
Nancy Myers, Allen Sayler, and Ed Steele
Bryan Coleman
For “Identifying and establishing a firm operational foundation for the FDAAA by resurrecting the contractual relationship with FDAAA’s financial advisory firm as well as managing and identifying the best ways to preserve and increase the value of FDAAA financial assets and participating in key FDAAA events throughout the year that contributed to increasing the visibility and recognition of FDAAA among both members and potential members during the 2018 – 2019 FDAAA year”
Angela Hoague
For “Showing strong leadership and organizational skills in organizing and successfully complete key FDAAA events as a member of the FDAAA Activities Committee during the 2018 – 2019 FDAAA year”
Recipients of the FDAAA Certificate of Appreciation - See list of recipients
Eligibility: Any individual who is an FDAAA member or non-member, or entity, who/that:
- makes a remarkable contribution, either on a one-time or continuing basis, to the operation or financial standing of the Association (e.g., pro bono services, large donation);
- provides highly-dependable, productive volunteer service to the FDAAA;
- serves in an appointed or elected position of responsibility in the FDAAA;
- is a guest speaker or participant at an FDAAA-sponsored event;
- performs a charitable act that exemplifies the goal and values of the FDAAA;
- offers a unique idea or recommendation that is adopted and enhances the efficiency, effectiveness and/or integrity of the FDAAA;
Selection Requirements: Nominations can originate from any member of the Association and must be directed to Executive Committee via the FDAAA Secretary (mail@fdaaa.org) for consideration. Final selection will be made by the Executive Committee. Certificate presentations can occur anytime at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Innovator's Award
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- Jacqueline Corrigan-Curay, J.D., M.D.
Office of Regulatory Affairs
- Elizabeth Miller, Pharm.D.
- Michael Rogers, M.S.
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
- CBER Sentinel/BEST System Team
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
- Steven Anderson, Ph.D.
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
- Patrick Axtell, Ph.D.
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Working Group
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- Kevin Bugin, Ph.D.
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
- Southwest Environmental Produce Production Safety Study
Theresa Mullin, PhD. Associate Director for Strategic Initiatives, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Recipients of the Innovator's Award - See list of recipients
Eligibility: The awardee currently works at FDA for a minimum of 5 years. The award is based on activity that advances the mission of FDA and the FDAAA, such as:
- Innovations that improve FDA operations and help the Agency prepare for future opportunities or challenges
- Cooperative efforts with FDAAA, industry associations, academia, and international, federal, state and local governments that enhance public health (organizations with supportive programs)
- Other notable activities that enhance the FDA and FDAAA mission.
Retiring Board Members
David L. Chesney
Nancy Myers
David L. Chesney
Nancy Myers